Success Story: Little

A little merch goes a long way

2 min readMay 20, 2022

Little is a trackable spend card for children. It comes with a mobile app with which parents/guardians can manage their children’s pocket money, monitor their spending, and nurture good money habits in them.

In a world where financial security is key, it is important that people learn about how to manage money from a young age. This is where Little comes in.

Little's goal is to nurture money-smart kids and build a generation of kids that not only know how to earn money, but know how to manage and spend it.

Little desired to reward their community and increase people’s awareness of their app. This is where Wii came in, with merch.

“People buy from who they trust, and people trust who they know".

Merch is more than items with your logo on them. With merch, potential customers connect to your brand. This makes it easier for you to turn them into long-term customers and fans of your brand.

With branded merch, Little has warmed its way into the hearts of new and existing customers.

You can do the same for your brand, here.

